When you’re pursuing your education, the medical school loans you are accruing are a thought for the distant future—but once graduation rolls around and you begin to compare job offers and...
Read moreWhen you’re pursuing your education, the medical school loans you are accruing are a thought for the distant future—but once graduation rolls around and you begin to compare job offers and...
Read moreWhile many people may not think of money management as an integral part of a dentist’s job, for those who are in private practice, they are all too aware of its importance. It is estimated that...
Read moreThere are few negative things to be said about choosing a career in the medical field, but one that comes up time and time again is the prevalence and pervasiveness of the debt accrued in student...
Read moreFor the majority of current and future physicians, the debt associated with pursuing medical school is one of the biggest detractors of the profession. In fact, 73% of students graduate from...
Read moreFor those that own their own dental practice, retirement might be the ultimate daydream. If you can’t wait to be living on your schedule, golfing at off-peak times, and enjoying yourself on any...
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